Welcome to the ICCS Website
The ICCS ensure the institutional link between the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the Catholic Church.
It works to promote the Gospel among Catholic scouts. Within the Church, it has partnerships with the International Catholic Conference of Guiding, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross and the Jacques Sevin Foundation.
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31 December 2024On December 7, 2024, the Hong Kong Catholic Girl Guides and Scout Guild hosted an inspiring Inter-religious Dialogue and Exchange featuring prayers and liturgies from Catholic, Buddhist and Muslim. The day...
22 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMAssociation des Scouts et Guides du Mali Training workshop on Pacific cohabitation between scouts and guides of different religions (Christians and Muslims) on Saturday, December 14, 2024 at the Djoliba Center,...
21 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMThe ICCS Friends of the Earth programme was officially launched in Cairo, marking a significant step in global efforts to protect the environment and promote sustainable development. This initiative strengthens...
21 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMFollowing the emergency resolution unanimously voted at the ICCS World Council in Cairo, the World Committee appointed a working group to consolidate the proposal for a new fees system. Associations...
21 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMLeaven in the Dough: Driving Social Change Through Scouting The "Leaven in the Dough" project builds on the text “The Place of Religions in Scouting – A Catholic Vision” and aims...
21 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMToday, on this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we are already at the gates of Christmas. This week prepares us for the imminent coming of the Child Jesus, who comes to...
16 December 2024Knowing that the theme of the third week Advent is Joy, the Catholic Scout Leaders of The Scout Association of Macau organized a special activity titled “Advent- Joy of Sharing”...
14 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMWe are already in the third week of Advent. The theme of this week is Joy. Also, we are approaching a year of joy, a year for the Jubilee. We...
14 December 2024We are pleased to announce that Ms. Francisca Vong (Macau) has been elected and approved as the new chairperson of ICCS-APR. Her term of chairperson is from 2025 to 2027. She...
8 December 2024The Catholic Girl Guides and Scout Guild ("the Guild") was established in 1949 and is a lay association under the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. The Guild aims to unit...
8 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMMeditation on the sacred texts of December 8th, 2024 Second Sunday of Advent Suggested readings: Baruch 5, 1-9; Psalms 125, 1-6; Philippians 1, 4-6.8-11; Luke 3,1-6 Dear brothers and sisters, dear scouts...
6 December 2024November was marked by memorable celebrations for the Scouts of Brazil, honouring 100 years of history of an institution that since 1924 has been engaged in training young citizens to...
6 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMOn World Volunteering Day, we come together to recognize and celebrate the extraordinary contributions of volunteers across the globe. These individuals dedicate their time, skills, and passion to uplift communities,...
5 December 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMToday, we invite everyone to take a moment to encourage and thank the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Boran-sur-Oise. To do so, we suggest clicking on this magical link that...
30 November 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMINTRODUCTION Today marks the beginning of Advent, a time of waiting, a time to live with our hearts turned towards God but with our feet firmly planted in the ground. Just...
26 November 2024From 21 to 24 November, members of ICCS-CICS-EM gathered for a transformative event, strengthening Catholic Scouting at the European level. Hosted at the Centre d’activités de Jambville and Boran-sur-Oise, this...
14 November 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMTry to leave the world a little better than you found it”, said Baden Powell. Simon Emmanuel Didier DASYLVA not only followed this advice, but lived it to the full...
18 October 2024During this event, will take place moments of discussion in the form of workshops on the following topics: • Jacques Sevin and Catholic Scouting: an Educative Proposal. • Essentials of Scouting: the educative method. • Spiritual...
18 October 2024From 26 to 29 of September, Pope Francis visited Belgium to mark the 600th anniversary of the Catholic University of Leuven. The university, founded in 1425 is the oldest in...
25 September 2024From 6 to 8 september the committee of the European-Mediterranean region visited the Czech Republic. The committee was happy to accept the invitation of the Czech scouts Junák - český...
20 July 2024Le dialogue interreligieux au Burkina Faso se révèle être une dynamique de coopération multisectorielle, caractérisée par des relations pacifiques et fraternelles entre le christianisme, l'islam et les religions traditionnelles. Ce...
27 June 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMDates The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) is set to host its much-anticipated World Conference in Cairo, Egypt, from August 11 to 14, 2024. Theme This year’s event, themed “Scouts and Catholics:...
26 June 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSM“Synodality instead asks us to look beyond the barriers with magnanimity, to see the presence of God and his actions even in people we do not know, in new pastoral...
20 June 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMI am Juliette Blanc, a young representative of the ICCS, leader for Rovers at the Scouts and Guides of France; present at the Fátima to Lisbon pilgrimage organized by the...
11 June 2024The Scout Association of Macau invited ICCS-APR Catholic Scout leaders to visit Macau in May 2024 to attend the Procession of Our Lady of Fátima which, has been taking place...
17 May 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMThe ICCS World Committee is working on the new document "The place of religions in Scouting. A Catholic Vision" presented at the previous World Conference of Fatima in 2021. The...
12 May 2024On May 5th, the 1st Regional Meeting of the ICCS-ICE Inter America Youth Network was held at the virtual level, with the purpose of making known the ways of conformation...
25 March 2024Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMA resume of the visit of the ICCS-EM to the Hungarian Scout Association and the catholic committee.
14 March 2024Last week, ICCS-EM visited the headquarters of The Commission of the Bishop's Conferences of the European Union known as COMECE in Brussels. COMECE is composed of the Catholic Bishops' Conferences...
13 November 2023The 14th ICCS Asia-Pacific Regional Conference was held from 2-5 Nov 2023 in Kenting, Taiwan. The conference has a theme of “Listen to Him”, and there were over 60 participants...
11 October 2023During the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Saemangeum, Korea, Overall 3,000 Catholic participants celebrated Sunday Mass. Young Catholic Scouts from all over the world felt that they were all children of...
19 September 2023Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMDuring World Youth Day in Lisbon, the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this event that brings together young Catholics. Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this...
19 September 2023Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMOn the coast of Caparica, about 15 km from Lisbon, was the place chosen by the ICCS to give almost a thousand scouts, mostly from France but also from Poland,...
19 September 2023Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMOn Saturday September 16, in BORAN SUR OISE (France), the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem celebrated the 60th anniversary of their canonical recognition by the Church. Bishop Jacques Benoit...
13 September 2023Encuesta Movimiento Scout – Iglesia Católica Quisiéramos comenzar a construir un diagnóstico sobre la relación del Movimiento Scout con las estructuras eclesiales en nuestra región, para empezar a pensar juntos métodos...
13 September 2023A toda la comunidad de guías y scouts del Cono Sur: Con un gran saludo para cada uno de ustedes, les compartimos la invitación a participar de la actividad internacional “Kilómetros...
13 September 2023Se realizo la primer reunión de Capellanes encabezado por el Capellán Sub Regional Pbro. Javier Rohwein donde abordaron temas de interés de la subregión y temas que acontecen a las OSN. Este...
7 September 2023Nuestro Secretario Regional Juan Pablo Gutiérrez Alzate realizó en conjunto con la Coordinación Laudato Si Colombia y la Pastoral Universitaria la Presentación del Documental sobre "La Carta" sobre la Encíclica...
7 September 2023Se comenzaron las reuniones para la realización de la Actividad de Kilómetros por la Paz Tercera edición , esta actividad realizada por la Pastoral Cono Sur de CICE realiza un...
7 September 2023En la ultima reunión mensual de la Subregión Cono Sur de CICE entre otros temas se aprobó la realización del segundo encuentro subregional para el 7 y 8 de Octubre...
10 July 2023En el marco de la visita del Presidente Regional al Uruguay se realizó la reunión con el Equipo de Pastoral Scout Católica del MSU , donde trataron temas de actualidad...
22 June 2023Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMDuring the World Youth Day 2023, Catholic scouts will carry on their shoulders the image of Our Lady from Fátima to Lisbon, from the 27th of July to the 1st...
12 June 2023Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMDuring the World Youth Day 2023, a scout camp will be one of the official hosting places for the pilgrims. It will take place on the south bank of the...
30 May 2023On 13 May 2023, The Procession of Our Lady of Fatima took place in Macau which was organized by the Local Catholic Church. Macau scouts and leaders took part with thousands...
22 April 2023Boy Scouts of the Philippines - Samar Council, Pasay Council, Scout Valeriano Abello Community Scouting, and Scout Valeriano Abello Rover Circle organized this activity, the Scout Recollection, on March 31,...
12 March 2023After 2 years of delay due to COVID, the Taiwan Catholic Scout Camp was finally held at Atayal Resort, Nantou County from 10th to 12th February 2023. More than 400...
15 February 2023“Enlarge the space in your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; hold not back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.” (Is 54,2) This biblical image...
27 January 2023Before Christmas time in 2022, We had closed the scout activities Laudato Si project, there are 511 pax of leaders of cup scout, 559 pax of leaders of scout and...
26 January 2023El Ciudad de Panamá se llevo a cabo la Indaba región Centro donde la Asociación de Scouts nos invito gentilmente a participar del evento y colocar un Stand promocional de la...
26 January 2023The ICCS EM Regional Council took place in November 2022 in Brussels. Discussions on the strategic plan 2019-2025 were made and ideas of cooperation rose. The committee 2019-2022 report and financial...
26 January 2023With the blessing from the Bishop of Hong Kong, the most reverend Stephen Chow, S.J., "The Catholic Scout Guild" was renamed to "The Catholic Girl Guides and Scout Guild" (“Guild”)...
25 January 2023On October 24, 2022 the first summit of Presidents and Highest Pastoral Authorities of the NSOs of Interamerica was held in order to present the Regional Plan. More than 18...
24 January 2023Dear brothers and sisters, receive from us a fraternal left hand greeting. After the development of the 28th Interamerican Scout Conference that the Scout Association of Paraguay was kind enough to...
24 January 2023"JESUS, IN YOU I TRUST...". MEETING OF THE SCOUT PASTORAL COMMISSION OF CHILE. Within the framework of the Priestly Ordination of brother scout Fabrizio Ferretti, the meeting of the National Commission of...
17 December 202220221201 Korea International Committee of Catholic Scouting 90th anniversary of Korea Catholic Scout During the ceremony, medal and certificate for joining ICCS' Brotherhood of St. George is awarded to three leaders...
27 November 2022After a joyful year, it is comforting to stop and read, pray and reflect during the Advent season. You can follow the Advent calendar online here: ADVENT 2022 ICCG - ICCS...
31 October 2022Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMIt was during the CICS World Council in St. Louis 11 years ago that the St. Paul Fellowship was approved as an additional source of funds for ICCS, because the...
31 October 2022Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSMThe World Youth Day (WYD) is the biggest young people world gathering. It is organized by the Holy See, via the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, together with a...
21 October 2022by The Scout Association of Macau Thanks to the contribution of Blessed Carlo Acutis who designed and created“The Eucharistic Miracles of the World”International Exhibition. The Eucharistic miracles have been one of...
19 October 2022Like more than 2 million Scouts around the world, Scouts du Sénégal actively participated in JOTI-JOTA 2022, the world's largest digital and radio Scout event promoting friendship and global citizenship....
28 September 2022The theme of the 18th African Conference of scouting took place in Nairobi, Kenya from the 25th to the 28th of August 2022 at the KCB Leadership centre. There were...
25 September 2022On August 27-28, a camp for the 2022 Christian Badge Program was held at Shimoigusa Church in Tokyo. There were 18 participating scouts. At the camp, Father Namiki gave a...
25 September 2022The 18th Japan National Scout Jamboree was held in August 2022 at many dispersed venues in Japan due to the COVID-19. At the Tokyo Venue, the Christian Faith Encouragement Program...
25 September 2022On 3rd September 2022 the Catholic Scout Guild visited the Holy Spirit Seminary (“聖神修院”), which was established by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong with the purpose of cultivating young...
15 July 2022The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (secondary school leaving examination) was scheduled in April and May 2022. Students were under great pressure as schools were closed temporarily from...
14 July 20224 Scout Groups of the Scout Association of Macau joined forces, in May 2022, to kickstart a Catholic-themed programme with a series of activities. The main objective of this programme...
18 February 2022« I feel a great joy that I am to serve Scouting at an international level, and make a specific contribution as a priest of the Catholic Church. It is,...
13 January 2022In a brotherly atmosphere and with a lot of dialogue, representatives of more than sixty associations from countries coming from all over the world (Europe, America, Asia and Africa), gathered...
19 November 2021The World Committee elected the 4 members of the World Committee. Georges El-Ghorayeb Marco Aurélio Castrianni Marcel Ledjou BLAGUET Matteo Spanò At the same time, the Regional Councils of Africa and Inter-America elected their new...
19 November 2021During the Conference, the CICS Council voted to accept 8 new members. Asociação dos Escuteiros de Macau Escuteiros de Guiné Bissau Asociación Scouts de El Salvador Egyptian Catholic Scout Committee Scout Association of Malawi Asociación de...
18 November 2021During the World Council of the CICS in Portugal at Fatima. The Fraternity of St. George presented the medal to 8 new members. The co-option of a member recognizes the "appreciation...
10 November 2021The Saint Paul Fellowship provides global support to Catholic Scouting and Catholic Scouting organizations to enable them to help those most in need. In 2020 the foundation donated $20,000 to the...
8 July 2021In early 2020, Regional President Gerinus Lee and the World Chaplain visited Sri Lanka and India for the first time. In both countries, the welcome was warm. Many Catholic leaders...
7 July 2021Please download the document in the French section.
18 June 2021L’arrivée de la pandemie, la fermeture des frontières, a contraint le comité mondial, comme beaucoup d’autres associations ou organisations mondiales à revoir son fonctionnement et son mode de relation. La...
11 February 2021In November 2022, the Euromed Regional Council met in Brussels and elected a new Regional Committee.
11 February 2021The CICS Centennial was supposed to come to the CICS program in 2020, the epidemic did not make it easy. However, the Interamerican, African, and European regions have taken very...
11 February 2021Published in 2015, the encyclical letter Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home is the first-ever papal encyclical devoted to the crisis of our planetary home. It is a...
18 January 2021Throughout its history, the ICCS has produced numerous documents related to its activities. The management of these archives has long been a thorny issue for the Conference's leaders. They were...
10 January 2021Investigation of the supposed miracle: The most difficult step towards beatification has already been taken. The heroism of the virtues was proclaimed on January 10, 2012. Instead of saying: Father Jacques...
16 December 2020The ICCS World Committee met in Rome on December 13-16, 2019. This stage allowed to evaluate the progress made in the regions and at the global level with reference to...
20 October 2020On October 15, a webinar meeting was held organized by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. Rui Teixeira, from Portugal and member of the ICCS E-M Committee participated...
1 March 2020Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the 6th World Scout Inter-religious Symposium has been cancelled as well as the associated Inter-religious Dialogue Awareness Workshop. They were to be organized...
25 February 2020he diocese of MAN, in the Ivory Coast, hosted the sub-regional seminar of West African Scout chaplains from February 13 to 17, 2020. Supervised by Father Jules N'DOUA ATOUBLE, chaplain...
21 February 2020Comme le reste du monde en raison de la pandémie mondiale (Corvid 19) beaucoup d’événements et les projets ont été reportés ou annulés, mais le travail du comité se poursuit...
11 February 2020We would like to thank Father Werner for his two terms of service in the Europe-Mediterranean region. Father Werner was able to create a climate of friendship and free speech...
7 February 2020From January 30 to February 2, 2020, the Scouts of Tanzania Association hosted the first Interfaith Forum of the East African sub-region in Dar-Es-Salam, capital of the Republic of Tanzania. The...
7 February 2020The year 2020 has changed all our plans and our way of life. The pandemic has prohibited physical gatherings. But 2020 is also the year we commemorate 100 years since...
11 January 2020Eddy Kwizera, the national chaplain of Burundi. He has a long history of service to scouting and his appointment was discussed during the West Africa Interfaith Forum in January 2020.
30 December 2019At the end of 2019, the Catholic Scouts participated in the Ratanakosin Jamboree held in Thailand and a Digital Jamboree in Korea.
19 October 2019In October 2019, The regional conference was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was attended by about 70 people from 10 Asia-Pacific countries.