On the coast of Caparica, about 15 km from Lisbon, was the place chosen by the ICCS to give almost a thousand scouts, mostly from France but also from Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other countries; a unique and special experience of scout life combined with the great event of World Youth Day. The ICCS committee managed to be hard at work throughout the camp, alternating between different members. In the first days, Daniele Beretta aroused the scouts’ interest with spiritual meetings on 2 great young blesseds and patrons of WYD: Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Chiara Luce Badano. Rui Texeira, although busy with the organisation of the WYD, managed to live some moments to give his presence as an important sign of the ICCS. Michael Van Crean gave support during all the days in the city of joy at the ICCS stand where many encounters of knowledge and sharing with many young people (scouts and not) were experienced. Our chaplain of the region, Father Claudio Fasulo celebrated the Sunday opening mass of the camp and then offered his spiritual presence during all days both in the camp and at the CICS stand. In summary, it can be said that it was experiencing a world event of the Catholic Church in the light of Scouting with excellent organisation and an important and effective ICCS presence.
Camp Scout JMJ
19 Sep 2023 | Africa, Asia-Pacific, Church, Euro-Mediterranean, ICCS, Inter-American, Interreligious, Uncategorized, WOSM