The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (secondary school leaving examination) was scheduled in April and May 2022.  Students were under great pressure as schools were closed temporarily from February to March before exam due to COVID19 pandemic.

The Catholic Scout Guild invited the Most Rev. Stephen Chow, Bishop of Hong Kong to convey his blessing, support and encouragement to the youth scout members, especially to those who sit for the examination.  Bishop Chow quoted the motto of Baden-Powell – “

Be Prepared” in the video, he indicated that there are many things in life that we need to be prepared for, it is important to remind ourselves to “do our best”, “to do our duty to god and to our country” and to overcome fear, anxiety and uncertainty through prays, god will always be with you.

The message is also published in the local Catholic newspaper, Kung Kap Pao on 8th May 2022 ( )

The video is available on facebook channel ( )