


ICCS World Council

ICCS World Council

Dates The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) is set to host its much-anticipated World Conference in Cairo, Egypt, from August 11 to 14, 2024. Theme This year’s event, themed “Scouts and Catholics: Walking Together on the Path of Peace for One Human...

The Challenge of Synodality for the Mission

The Challenge of Synodality for the Mission

“Synodality instead asks us to look beyond the barriers with magnanimity, to see the presence of God and his actions even in people we do not know, in new pastoral approaches, in uncharted mission territories” asks Pope Francis. On June 13, 2024, about 200...

Report on the International Catholic Youth Congress

Report on the International Catholic Youth Congress

I am Juliette Blanc, a young representative of the ICCS, leader for Rovers at the Scouts and Guides of France; present at the Fátima to Lisbon pilgrimage organized by the ICCS on the occasion of WYD Lisbon 2023.  My expectations  I was very happy to be invited to...

The place of religions in Scouting. A Catholic Vision

The place of religions in Scouting. A Catholic Vision

The ICCS World Committee is working on the new document "The place of religions in Scouting. A Catholic Vision" presented at the previous World Conference of Fatima in 2021. The ICCS World Chaplain, Fr. Luis Marinho, has finalized it and now, during the month of May,...

First Regional Meeting – ICCS-CICE Inter America Youth Network

On May 5th, the 1st Regional Meeting of the ICCS-ICE Inter America Youth Network was held at the virtual level, with the purpose of making known the ways of conformation of the coordinating team, strategies to establish dialogues among young people, encourage...

Stand ICCS

Stand ICCS

During World Youth Day in Lisbon, the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this event that brings together young Catholics. Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this event that brings together young Catholics. Various...

Camp Scout JMJ

Camp Scout JMJ

On the coast of Caparica, about 15 km from Lisbon, was the place chosen by the ICCS to give almost a thousand scouts, mostly from France but also from Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other countries; a unique and special experience of scout life combined with the...

Encuesta de Gobernanza CICE 2024 Inter-America

Encuesta de Gobernanza CICE 2024 Inter-America

Encuesta  Movimiento Scout – Iglesia Católica Quisiéramos comenzar a construir un diagnóstico sobre la relación del Movimiento Scout con las estructuras eclesiales en nuestra región, para empezar a pensar juntos métodos de articulación y gobernanza que nos permitan...

Comienza Kilómetros por la Paz en el Cono Sur

Comienza Kilómetros por la Paz en el Cono Sur

A toda la comunidad de guías y scouts del Cono Sur: Con un gran saludo para cada uno de ustedes, les compartimos la invitación a participar de la actividad internacional “Kilómetros por la paz”. Esta es la tercera versión de la actividad mencionada, en la cual...

Reunión de Capellanes Sub Región Cono Sur

Reunión de Capellanes Sub Región Cono Sur

Se realizo la primer reunión de Capellanes encabezado por el Capellán Sub Regional Pbro. Javier Rohwein donde abordaron temas de interés de la subregión y temas que acontecen a las OSN. Este equipo se reúne periódicamente para acompañar la actualidad y el PLAN...

Presentación de Documental LA CARTA

Presentación de Documental LA CARTA

Nuestro Secretario Regional Juan Pablo Gutiérrez Alzate realizó en conjunto con la Coordinación Laudato Si Colombia y la Pastoral Universitaria la Presentación del Documental sobre "La Carta" sobre la Encíclica Ecológica del Papa Francisco el pasado Jueves 31 de...