Presentation of the St. George Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Saint George was founded in 1985 during the World Meeting of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting during the Council in Benediktbeuern, Bavaria – Germany. It was later recognized by the Catholic church.
As a Brotherhood, the members are trying to live the spirit of Catholic Scouting.
The cooptation of a member is a recognition of the «appreciation of an exceptional contribution » in international scouting for the education of the youth, the development their personality, their faith and their personal commitment in society.
In the same spirits than Baden Powell, the International Catholic Conference of Scouting appreciates and encourages the participation of the world brotherhood in World Scouting.
The cooptation as a member of the St. George Brotherhood is open to women and men, but also to lay persons and members of the clergy in the Catholic church (monks, sisters, priests, bishops, …)
The members of the St. George Brotherhood are willing to live according the spirit of catholic Scouting spirit and are aware of the contribution that scouting gives to the education of the youth, the development of their personality, their commitment in society and in their faith.
The Remembrance Day of the St. George Brotherhood is on the 23rd of April every year, during the fest of St. George.
The prayers from all the members include the souvenirs of all deceased members.