During World Youth Day in Lisbon, the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this event that brings together young Catholics.
Scouting (ICCS) was present to celebrate this event that brings together young Catholics.
Various activities were organized, such as the “Vocation Fair”, an installation with different stalls welcoming the participants of the World Youth Day in Lisbon.
different stalls welcoming WYD participants. The exhibition was located in the City of
was located in the City of Joy (Cidade de Alegria), in the Vasco de Gama Garden.
From August 1 to 4, we welcomed, together with the Portuguese scouts (Corpo Nacional de Escutas), many young Christians to our booths.
many young Christians at our booths. We could be found on the streets of Toronto
street 2002, and many people came with curiosity and excitement to discover what scouting is or to learn more about it.
scouting or to learn more about the movement.
Those first four days of WYD were a great success, and we were able to get a large number of people to discover the movement.
people to discover the Catholic scouting movement, as well as to share with them the work of our organization.
the work of our organization. Many people also came to try their luck in our activity to win a special scarf.
activity to win a special WYD 2023 scarf.
At the end, everyone left happy with bracelets and brochures, and, above all, eager to learn more about the scout movement.
more about the scout movement.