International Catholic Conference of Scouting


The ICCS is an active member of the World Scout Interreligious Forum (WSIF) which brings together organizations that have consultative status with the World Scout Committee and other religions, like the CICS.

The forum was formed informally during the preparations for the world jamboree in Chile (1999). Thereafter it continued its work of promoting dialogue and working together between every religion and faith in Scouting

WSIF membership

  • CPGS – Council of Protestants in Guiding and Scouting
  • DESMOS – International link of Orthodox Christian Scouts
  • ICCS – International Catholic Conference of Scouting
  • IFJS –International Forum of Jewish Scouts
  • IUMS – International Union of Muslim Scouts
  • WBSC – World Buddhist Scout Council

Over recent years, representatives of other faiths such as the Won Buddhist Scout Council, Baha’i, Hindus and Sikhs, have also been associated with the work of the World Scout Interreligious Forum in recent years.


What the WSIF does

  • It organises and runs interreligious activities at major world and regional events (Jamborees, Moots etc)
  • It organises interreligious Scout symposiums
  • It contributes to work on spiritual and religious development in Scouting (including publishing material and guidelines)

The WSIF meets each year to coordinate the work of its members.


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Reference documents


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