by Africa region | 25 Feb 2020 | Africa
he diocese of MAN, in the Ivory Coast, hosted the sub-regional seminar of West African Scout chaplains from February 13 to 17, 2020. Supervised by Father Jules N’DOUA ATOUBLE, chaplain of the sub-region and president of the Zonal Committee for Inter-religious...
by Euro Med region | 21 Feb 2020 | Euro-Mediterranean
Comme le reste du monde en raison de la pandémie mondiale (Corvid 19) beaucoup d’événements et les projets ont été reportés ou annulés, mais le travail du comité se poursuit grâce aux outils technologiques. Le comité s’est réuni en présentiel à deux reprises, à...
by Euro Med region | 11 Feb 2020 | Euro-Mediterranean
We would like to thank Father Werner for his two terms of service in the Europe-Mediterranean region. Father Werner was able to create a climate of friendship and free speech among the chaplains of this region which gave them energy and motivation to serve the...
by Africa region | 7 Feb 2020 | Africa
From January 30 to February 2, 2020, the Scouts of Tanzania Association hosted the first Interfaith Forum of the East African sub-region in Dar-Es-Salam, capital of the Republic of Tanzania. The event brought together four countries of the sub-region, Tanzania,...
by Inter-American region | 7 Feb 2020 | Inter-American
The year 2020 has changed all our plans and our way of life. The pandemic has prohibited physical gatherings. But 2020 is also the year we commemorate 100 years since the first Catholic Scout meeting. In light of all this, we have chosen to host several virtual...