
The World Committee

The World Committee

The World Committee elected the 4 members of the World Committee. Georges El-Ghorayeb Marco Aurélio Castrianni Marcel Ledjou BLAGUET Matteo Spanò   At the same time, the Regional Councils of Africa and Inter-America elected their new presidents: Marcelin Henry...

8 new members

8 new members

During the Conference, the CICS Council voted to accept 8 new members. Asociação dos Escuteiros de Macau Escuteiros de Guiné Bissau Asociación Scouts de El Salvador Egyptian Catholic Scout Committee Scout Association of Malawi Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela...

Visit to Sri Lanka

In early 2020, Regional President Gerinus Lee and the World Chaplain visited Sri Lanka and India for the first time. In both countries, the welcome was warm. Many Catholic leaders there are looking forward to a future relationship with ICCS .

Jamboree in Thailand

Jamboree in Thailand

At the end of 2019, the Catholic Scouts participated in the Ratanakosin Jamboree held in Thailand and a Digital Jamboree in Korea.

Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

In October 2019, The regional conference was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was attended by about 70 people from 10 Asia-Pacific countries.