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Advent calendar – 2022

Advent calendar – 2022

After a joyful year, it is comforting to stop and read, pray and reflect during the Advent season. You can follow the Advent calendar online here: ADVENT 2022 ICCG - ICCS (

Meeting of the St. Paul Fellowship in Rome on October 20-23, 2022

Meeting of the St. Paul Fellowship in Rome on October 20-23, 2022

It was during the CICS World Council in St. Louis 11 years ago that the St. Paul Fellowship was approved as an additional source of funds for ICCS, because the dues from Catholic Scout organizations do not cover all the expenses of CICS and we cannot do everything we...

World Youth Day Lisbon 2023

World Youth Day Lisbon 2023

The World Youth Day (WYD) is the biggest young people world gathering. It is organized by the Holy See, via the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, together with a Local Organizing Committee. In 2023, this organization is made with the Patriarchate of Lisbon. WYD is...

New ICCS world chaplain – Fr. Luis Marinho

New ICCS world chaplain – Fr. Luis Marinho

« I feel a great joy that I am to serve Scouting at an international level, and make a specific contribution as a priest of the Catholic Church. It is, therefore, a pastoral mission that the Church entrusts to me with. It especially underlines the confidence of the...

The World Committee

The World Committee

The World Committee elected the 4 members of the World Committee. Georges El-Ghorayeb Marco Aurélio Castrianni Marcel Ledjou BLAGUET Matteo Spanò   At the same time, the Regional Councils of Africa and Inter-America elected their new presidents: Marcelin Henry...

8 new members

8 new members

During the Conference, the CICS Council voted to accept 8 new members. Asociação dos Escuteiros de Macau Escuteiros de Guiné Bissau Asociación Scouts de El Salvador Egyptian Catholic Scout Committee Scout Association of Malawi Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela...

Support to the Scouts of Lebanon

Support to the Scouts of Lebanon

The Saint Paul Fellowship provides global support to Catholic Scouting and Catholic Scouting organizations to enable them to help those most in need. In 2020 the foundation donated $20,000 to the Scouts of Lebanon to support their humanitarian efforts following the...

Europe Mediterranean Regional Committee

Europe Mediterranean Regional Committee

Comme le reste du monde en raison de la pandémie mondiale (Corvid 19) beaucoup d’événements et les projets ont été reportés ou annulés, mais le travail du comité se poursuit grâce aux outils technologiques. Le comité s’est réuni en présentiel à deux reprises, à...

End of mandate, thanks to Father Werner

End of mandate, thanks to Father Werner

We would like to thank Father Werner for his two terms of service in the Europe-Mediterranean region. Father Werner was able to create a climate of friendship and free speech among the chaplains of this region which gave them energy and motivation to serve the...