World Council
- The World Council is the governing body of the ICCS.
- It meets every three years.
- It brings together delegates from member organizations to take important decisions, including the induction of new members.
- At these meetings, four members are elected for a three-year term as president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
World Committee
- The World Committee, the executive body of the ICCS, is made up of the four elected members, the presidents of the regional committees and the World Chaplain. The World Chaplain is appointed by the President on the recommendation of the World Committee and confirmed by the Vatican.

The International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) is preparing to hold its World Council in Cairo, Egypt, from August 11 to 14, 2024
The Council will take place at the International Scout House in Cairo.
“Scouts and Catholics: walking together on the path of peace for one human family”
As the Church decisively deepens its synodal identity, scouting – whose method places listening to young people (ask the boy) at its center – presents itself as an extraordinary proposal for living and proclaiming the Gospel. In a context of wars and ideological polarizations, scouting is a concrete experience of fraternity where we recognize ourselves as members of a single human family.
- As members of the Catholic Church and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, how do we actively contribute to the building of peace through mutual understanding and friendship among people of different cultures and religions?
- As members of the Catholic Church and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, how are we the visible face of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who welcomes, accompanies, and proposes paths of humanization to all?
- As members of the Catholic Church and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, how do we, from our national associations, contribute to the formation of children and young people by integrating the spiritual and religious dimension?

Official Documents
Rules of Procedure of the World Council
Audit 2021-2023
Balance Sheet
Provisional Agenda
Candidates World Committee
The place of religions in Scouting
Resolution n° 1 - Resolution n° 5

Meet the Guests World Council – CICS
- His Beatitude Mgr. Ibrahim Ishak, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria
- His Excellency Mgr. Claudio Lurati, Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria in Egypt
- His Excellency Mgr. Jean-Marie Chami, President of the Pastoral Episcopal Committee in Egypt
- Dr. Ashraf Sobhy – Minister of Youth and Sports of the Arab Republic of Egypt
- Mr. Ahmed Al Hindawi – Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
- Dr. Hany Abdulwahab Abdulmonem – Regional Director, Arab Support Centre – WOSM
- Mr. Andy Chapman – Chairman of the World Scout Committee
- Ms. Sarah Rita Kattan – Vice-Chairperson of the World Scout Committee
- Dr. Khaled Eassawi – President of the Egyptian Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides
- Dr. Mohammed Omar – International Commissioner and Executive Director of the 43rd World Scout Conference
- Mr. John Doerr – President of the ICFS
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